Human Design is a guide for understanding our unique purpose and gifts. It is a blueprint that can help you understand yourself better and learn how best to use your energy; in work, relationships and life.  Understanding your Human Design can feel like a huge weight is lifted from your shoulders, and gives you permission to finally be yourself!  It helps you navigate a way back to who you really are, when not conditioned by the world around you. Human Design incorporates the Chakra system, Astrology, The Chinese I-Ching and the Tree of Life from the Kabbalah to come up with a map of who you are designed to be. It is also called the Science of Differentiation to honor how we are all meant to be different, with our own unique talents and purpose. 

Along with Conscious Parenting, Human Design can help you see your children exactly how they are and meant to be, without the lens of familial and societal conditioning.

It can give them the freedom to thrive by understanding their own unique blueprint, and gives them tools to embrace themselves.

Learning about my chart and my children’s charts has given me more compassion and understanding for myself, my children, their specific energy, and how we are all meant to be different from one another.

Caroline Maher is a proud Conscious Parenting

Certified Coach Practitioner



“The thing that is really, really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.”

— Anna Quindlen


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